Monday, March 16, 2009

Faux Tin Panels Not Just for Backsplashes!

So I was wandering around my local Lowe's store–which is easy to do–when I happened upon a sale cart, full of exciting markdowns. On it I quickly spotted what looked like tin panels and picked one up for a closer inspection. I was surprised to see that they were made of vinyl! Fooled MY discerning eye... I could have sworn they were tin! Full price, these 24.4" x 18.5" panels would cost $20.57 each, but I got them for $12 each.

I took one home to see how it might look as a "skirt" for my garage shed. While the garage and shed were covered in vinyl siding, the bottom 18" or so of the shed was pressured treated wood. And with the harsh climate of northeast Ohio, it required a fresh coat of paint every year or two. These panels provided instant inspiration on how to permanently cover the wood while adding a decorative touch.

Once home, I quickly realized they were perfect for the job. So back to Lowe's I went for more, complete with the edging strips for a finished look. Now that I had all of my pieces, I went to work measuring and cutting, which was easy to do with an X-acto knife. I gave each one a moderate score with the knife and they snapped apart with a perfect straight edge. With some adhesive and my staple gun, I installed them in less than an hour.

The final result was FABULOUS! Like that one piece of jewelry that just makes an outfit! It's been 8 months since I complete this project and the harsh winter weather has had no affect on the panels. They continue to make me smile every time I see them. And I can't believe they're vinyl!!


Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Best Way to Spend 1 Point!

As some of you know, I am following the Weight Watchers Flex Plan. And I'm having a great time with it, losing weight AND eating better! It's a very easy system to follow and I've found that I can eat most of the things I would otherwise have eaten before, just in moderation.

The way the WW Flex Plan works is that each food you eat has a point value associated with it. If you don't know the point value, you calculate it using the calories, total fat and total fiber. And without going into a lot of detail, you get so many points a day to spend, so you find yourself spending them wisely.

With that in mind, what a wonderful day it was the day I discovered Hostess 100-Calorie Packs! At 1 point a pack, they're pure joy and zero guilt. After dinner or just as a snack, it's nice to give your sweet tooth a little something and your taste buds a treat for being good.

There are SIX flavors to choose from and believe me, I have no favorite--they're ALL good! I was surprised to find a creamy filling inside the chocolate cupcakes and the Twinkie Bites, worried that they couldn't do that and keep it within 100 calories. Ah but those fine folks at Hostess really out-did themselves! I'm one happy camper, just give me a tall glass of cold (albeit skim) milk and a 100-Calorie Pack! Pure heaven!


My New Slider Phone

So I decided it was time to upgrade my cell phone to one with a full keyboard–a QWERTY keyboard, to you nerds out there–and after much searching, finally found one I liked. I was eligible for a free upgrade a year or so ago, but none of the so-called free phones were anything more than the RAZR phone I already owned. And the way I figured it, if I was going to teach myself how to use a new phone, it better be a step up.

While the SAMSUNG A767 wasn't on the free phone list–tho thanks to my sister, I got mine for my birthday–it was worth every penny! It's what's called a slider phone, one where the keyboard is hidden behind a front that otherwise looks like your basic cell phone.

This phone is way cool! Tho it came in other fun colors such as blue and lime green, I was immediately drawn to the crisp, clean look of the white one and loved the red trim on it as well. The size is right and the keyboard is all there. Gone are the days of hitting the number 2 three times for the letter "C". I can now text nearly the same speed as my 18 year old neice. Okay, maybe one day.

It has 3G capability but fortunately it's not required to operate the phone, something iPhone users can't claim. It has a ton of other features but for me, having a full keyboard with which to text makes this the best birthday gift a girl could get! Oh, and did I mention it has a "reject call" feature? Love it!


Meet Designer Sumie Tachibana!

I found fashion designer Sumie Tachibana's store on a few years ago and her work continues to remain memorable and inspiring. Her keen sense of style and her willingness to break all of the rules make her one of my favorite young designers.

Like the scarf I bought, all of her work incorporates a mixture of textures and patterns while coming from a neutral palette of black, greys, white and cream. Sumie incorporates unique hardware into her when where needed and takes great care in delivering her works of art in handmade packaging. Her work has been featured in New York magazine's Shop Talk column and her work can be found in several stores in and around the NYC area.

Keep up with her latest designs on her website here.



As a freelance art director, part-time jewelry designer and otherwise design junkie, I find that inspiration is as necessary as the air we breathe. And as most of my friends and colleagues know, I like sharing new discoveries.

Through this blog, I'll share my design finds, inspiration and otherwise sources of bewilderment, chronicle recent achievements and post a few other goodies.


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