Faux Tin Panels Not Just for Backsplashes!
So I was wandering around my local Lowe's store–which is easy to do–when I happened upon a sale cart, full of exciting markdowns. On it I quickly spotted what looked like tin panels and picked one up for a closer inspection. I was surprised to see that they were made of vinyl! Fooled MY discerning eye... I could have sworn they were tin! Full price, these 24.4" x 18.5" panels would cost $20.57 each, but I got them for $12 each.
I took one home to see how it might look as a "skirt" for my garage shed. While the garage and shed were covered in vinyl siding, the bottom 18" or so of the shed was pressured treated wood. And with the harsh climate of northeast Ohio, it required a fresh coat of paint every year or two. These panels provided instant inspiration on how to permanently cover the wood while adding a decorative touch.
Once home, I quickly realized they were perfect for the job. So back to Lowe's I went for more, complete with the edging strips for a finished look. Now that I had all of my pieces, I went to work measuring and cutting, which was easy to do with an X-acto knife. I gave each one a moderate score with the knife and they snapped apart with a perfect straight edge. With some adhesive and my staple gun, I installed them in less than an hour.The final result was FABULOUS! Like that one piece of jewelry that just makes an outfit! It's been 8 months since I complete this project and the harsh winter weather has had no affect on the panels. They continue to make me smile every time I see them. And I can't believe they're vinyl!!
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