The Best Way to Spend 1 Point!
As some of you know, I am following the Weight Watchers Flex Plan. And I'm having a great time with it, losing weight AND eating better! It's a very easy system to follow and I've found that I can eat most of the things I would otherwise have eaten before, just in moderation.
The way the WW Flex Plan works is that each food you eat has a point value associated with it. If you don't know the point value, you calculate it using the calories, total fat and total fiber. And without going into a lot of detail, you get so many points a day to spend, so you find yourself spending them wisely.
With that in mind, what a wonderful day it was the day I discovered Hostess 100-Calorie Packs! At 1 point a pack, they're pure joy and zero guilt. After dinner or just as a snack, it's nice to give your sweet tooth a little something and your taste buds a treat for being good.
There are SIX flavors to choose from and believe me, I have no favorite--they're ALL good! I was surprised to find a creamy filling inside the chocolate cupcakes and the Twinkie Bites, worried that they couldn't do that and keep it within 100 calories. Ah but those fine folks at Hostess really out-did themselves! I'm one happy camper, just give me a tall glass of cold (albeit skim) milk and a 100-Calorie Pack! Pure heaven!
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